Monday, October 21, 2013

Updated Lash Extension Pictures

Holy Moly! I may take down the pictures I have of the first few full sets that I did. Looking back on them a year later, they are not good! Haha. I can't believe how far I have come with my skill and technique. It's extremely encouraging! Maybe I should leave them up though? As a reminder that hard work and dedication pays off!

When I first started doing eyelash extensions, it used to take me 2-3 hours to put on around 30-45 individual extensions. Now I usually put on 70-90 in an hour or hour and a half. That's crazy!

I want to show some pictures of how eyelash extensions can enhance your eyes. These are all my work :)

Take a look at this one! On the left you can see her natural lashes, and on the right is the eye with extensions. What a difference it makes!

Before (different client)


(Sorry for the bad lighting!) But here is a before pic

And after! Even though hers look very soft and natural, look how they open up her eyes!

I don't have a before pic of this one, but look at how long and luxurious they look!

A year later, I am still very much enjoying what I do. I feel blessed that I love what I do. It doesn't even really feel like a job. I basically get to go to work and make women feel pretty all day. It's the best feeling!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hurr Did

Got bored with my hair and decided to change it up...

Check it out!

Not sure how long the bangs will last, but so far I'm liking it. It's a nice change :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Latest Tattoo

For the past year or so, God has revealed a particular verse to me, time and time again. Psalms 139:14 "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

A few months ago, I was talking about this with Kevin on our way to church. I was sharing with him that whenever I feel like the enemy is attacking me, that this verse always comes to mind and the negative thoughts go away. About 30 minutes later in church, the pastor mentioned this very same verse. I just thought to myself...Wow, God! You are so good!

I wanted to get this verse tattooed in a place where it could be a constant reminder that God made me! God designed me and I am his daughter. He planned perfectly that I would have little freckles on my nose, that my eyes would look like big chocolate chips, and that my teeth would resemble little chiclets. (I am not putting myself down with these silly comments. I love these small features make me, ME!) :)