Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lash Me Lady!

I recently went down to Portland Oregon a few weeks ago to get trained in doing eyelash extensions. After being trained I have been working on people and loving every minute of it!

If you are unfamiliar with eyelash extensions, they are single curved synthetic strands that are one by one applied to each individual natural eyelash. They replicate the look of natural lashes only more beautiful and dramatic.

I have been doing them non stop since! I thoroughly enjoy doing them and am very excited to offer this service to my future clients.

Here's some pics of my work:

I have done about 13 full sets so far and have many more people to work on :) I haven't taken before and after photos of everyone because frankly, I've been awfully forgetful lately. I've been the busiest that I have ever been in my entire life, but it's all to set me up for the future. Things should hopefully settle down a bit come January.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Have I mentioned that I have the greatest husband?

Kevin is the sweetest! I am so incredibly blessed by him. He has been so supportive through everything and it's so encouraging!

On Sunday we were at Costco and we passed by the Harry Potter Wizard's collection. I had been coveting this since I heard about it earlier this year, but it's so expensive! Kevin just looked at me, grabbed the box and put it in our cart. Of course by that point I was squealing and jumping up and down! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!

He said it was a "Thank you" for putting up with all of his crazy long hours of work (For those of you who don't know, he was working 60-80 hours a week for 4 months straight. It was nuts). What a sweetie!

Don't mind this ugly picture of me. It was a no makeup & yoga pants kind of day.

Beauty biz

School is going great so far! But dang, it is a LONG day. I'm at school 3 days a week for 11 hours a day. By the time that the day is over, I am zonked!

  • First week we had to learn all of the skin layers, diseases, and disorders. This was the most boring week! So glad it's over...and I ACED my test! Boo-yah!
  • 2nd week we learned how to wax and have been practicing on each other and other students. I caught on really quick and really enjoy it, haha. 
  • 3rd week MORE WAXING....sheesh
I'm also getting trained in Eyelash Extensions through a private company in a week. I am so EXCITED! I love love love eyelash extensions! I told all my friends and my friend told all of their friends and I am just completely overjoyed by the response I received. I am already booked for 2 weeks! So happy!