Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lash Me Lady!

I recently went down to Portland Oregon a few weeks ago to get trained in doing eyelash extensions. After being trained I have been working on people and loving every minute of it!

If you are unfamiliar with eyelash extensions, they are single curved synthetic strands that are one by one applied to each individual natural eyelash. They replicate the look of natural lashes only more beautiful and dramatic.

I have been doing them non stop since! I thoroughly enjoy doing them and am very excited to offer this service to my future clients.

Here's some pics of my work:

I have done about 13 full sets so far and have many more people to work on :) I haven't taken before and after photos of everyone because frankly, I've been awfully forgetful lately. I've been the busiest that I have ever been in my entire life, but it's all to set me up for the future. Things should hopefully settle down a bit come January.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Have I mentioned that I have the greatest husband?

Kevin is the sweetest! I am so incredibly blessed by him. He has been so supportive through everything and it's so encouraging!

On Sunday we were at Costco and we passed by the Harry Potter Wizard's collection. I had been coveting this since I heard about it earlier this year, but it's so expensive! Kevin just looked at me, grabbed the box and put it in our cart. Of course by that point I was squealing and jumping up and down! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!

He said it was a "Thank you" for putting up with all of his crazy long hours of work (For those of you who don't know, he was working 60-80 hours a week for 4 months straight. It was nuts). What a sweetie!

Don't mind this ugly picture of me. It was a no makeup & yoga pants kind of day.

Beauty biz

School is going great so far! But dang, it is a LONG day. I'm at school 3 days a week for 11 hours a day. By the time that the day is over, I am zonked!

  • First week we had to learn all of the skin layers, diseases, and disorders. This was the most boring week! So glad it's over...and I ACED my test! Boo-yah!
  • 2nd week we learned how to wax and have been practicing on each other and other students. I caught on really quick and really enjoy it, haha. 
  • 3rd week MORE WAXING....sheesh
I'm also getting trained in Eyelash Extensions through a private company in a week. I am so EXCITED! I love love love eyelash extensions! I told all my friends and my friend told all of their friends and I am just completely overjoyed by the response I received. I am already booked for 2 weeks! So happy!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life is a Journey!

I'm changing my career path! "Again, Whitney?!", you say? You betta believe it! Don't be drinking that haterade. Not many people choose one thing that they are going to do for the rest of their life and actually stick with it. In fact, I can only think of a handful of people.

I have been attending a community college to obtain my AA and transfer to a university to get a bachelors degree in Elementary & Special Education. I've always loved kids and I thought it would be a great career choice. However, as my time at the community college was coming to a close and I was about to embark on applying to colleges and transferring, my heart completely changed. God put it on my heart to choose another path. A path where I could be my own boss, use and channel my creativity, and have the flexibility to balance family, work, and extra activities.

I have a unique and fun business idea and I am working hard to make it happen! I am becoming a licensed Esthetician and - if everything goes according to plan - should be completed and ready to roll sometime in February. I may even be able to kick of my business a little earlier than that, but we will see :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012


As you can see by my earlier post, I went to Memphis is May to see one of my dearest friends Rebekka (or as I like to call her, OB) She was also the maid of honor at my wedding last year. (Yes, in a few short weeks, it will be mine and Kevin's one year wedding anniversary. Time sure flies!)

The first night, my plane got in around midnight. OB and her awesome Memphis friends picked me up from the airport and took us back to her apartment. We got ready to hit the town! We went down to Beale Street, which is so FUN! After a certain hour, the shut down the whole street to anyone who is not over 21. Once they check your ID and let you in, the street is filled with fun bars and clubs. You can take your drinks from bar to bar and drink on the street. Pretty similar to Vegas, but surprisingly I thought Beale Street was much for fun that the strip in Vegas.

The next day was CINCO DE MAYO! We went to a local and delicious mexican restaurant to enjoy yummy food and margarita pitchers. Mmmm.

This pic is from them showing me some cute parts of town after margaritas :)

That night they wanted to show me BBQ, Memphis style! They took me to a popular restaurant called Rendevous. Can I just say, OMG? My life was forever changed. Washington doesn't know crap about BBQ. Excuse my French, but seriously, we don't. The south does it right!

After that, we headed back to Beale Street. 

We went to Wet Willies! A bar that only serves alcoholic slurpies. Such a neat idea!

After Wet Willie's, we went to Silky's where they serve these bad boys...

My last full day in Memphis was really fun. OB, Emily and I are major foodie's so they wanted to show me all the awesome southern specialties. 

My first Sweet Tea! Sooooo good.

 I just have to say that I would be obese if I lived there. The food is seriously too good to resist ;)

 We went out for a couple beers my last night. Love all my new Memphis friends!

My first trip to the Dirty South was a great success! I am so happy that my friend is surrounded by such awesome people and I can't wait to go back next year :)

Friday, May 4, 2012


Blogger changed their layout for managing your blogs. I just don't know what to do with myself! Completely threw me for a loop. Well,  I'm sure I will get used to it eventually ;)

I am sitting at SeaTac Airport right now waiting for my flight. I'm headed to MEMPHIS to visit my beautiful OB (stands for open book). She was the maid of honor at my wedding and since she is going to graduate school all the way in Tennessee, I haven't seen her since. It's been so hard. Feel like I've had a small experience of what it feels like to be in a long distance relationship. Haha, not that I would ever date a woman or anything but you know what I mean!

I'm looking forward to meeting all of her new friends and hittin' the town! There are a few things that I'd like to do while I'm there...

1.) Lay by the pool.
It has been so cold in Washington and I'm over it! I need some sunshine in my life.

2.) See the Mississippi River!
Don't know much about it other than it's very large and I learned how to spell it in the first grade

3.) Go to Graceland and see the home of Elvis
I don't know if I will actually get to go inside, but I would be happy if I could even just walk past it and grab a picture. 

4.) Have a margarita or two to celebrate CINCO DE MAYO!

5.) And of course have lots of pillow talk with my OB
Couldn't find any appropriate pictures of two women laying on a pillow (holy inappropriate!), so this picture will just have to suffice. It is quite adorable though ;)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Picture of tattoo as promised. It says "All of my love, for all of my life"

It was really difficult trying to take a picture of it all by myself, haha. I will have Kevin take a picture close up and post it later.

I love tattoos and I'm excited to get moooooooore!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blessings in Unexpected Places

The craziest thing happened on Good Friday... I was taking my aunt Joy to the bank and as I was driving through the parking lot, I saw something on the ground. Normally, I wouldn't have noticed it but it looked like a dollar bill or some sort of U.S currency. I parked the car and went out to look at it and it was $100. $100! I looked around but the parking lot was dead and none of the businesses were open at the time. I felt so bad for who ever lost that money. Since I had no idea who that person was, I thought that the best thing to do would be to donate it or pay it forward in someway or another.

That night, my church had to rent out an extra parking lot for Good Friday service. They were asking people to donate $5 if they could so it could help pay for that cost. I thought that was a pretty clear sign! So, that's what I gave the money to.

...And that's the end of my story :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Getting another tattoo for my birthday next week! Will post pics after ;)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Portland Girls Weekend

Some of my lady friends and I decided to have some girl time down in Portland this last weekend and it was so much fun!

We left Saturday morning to make our way down. Once we got to Portland, we checked into our hotel and made ourselves a cocktail to relax after the time spent on the road. After chillin', we did what any girls would do...we went shopping shopping ;) I love going to Oregon because of no sales tax, you really end up saving a lot of $. I'm always pleasantly surprised!

While shopping, our tummies started grumbling. Close to our hotel was Rock Bottom City Brewery, so we decided to go there. It wasn't anything incredible, but we had a fun time grubbin' and chatting it up :)

That night, we went to a bar near by called Dixies (It's kind of like Cowgirl Inc. in Seattle). We had so much fun dancing and laughing with each other! I wish I had a video camera to record some of the stuff, so funny!
Here's us before we hit the town

The next morning, we crawled out of bed to get the day going. We wanted to check out of the hotel room and hit up some places before we left. We went to breakfast at the Doug Fir. This place is so cool! The decor is kind of 70's modern with some hipster fair. It's really hard to describe, but all I can say was that I was diggin' it. Not only was the place super cool, but the food was nomilicious.

After the delicious breakfast, we stopped at Home Goods on the way home. We had some trouble getting there because of our silly map, but thankfully we made it there in one piece. I got some awesome stuff for our bedroom. I will post that on our blog (Click here to see).

I had such a great weekend with all the ladies and I can't wait for the next girls weekend! :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Winter Quarter = Great Success!

I got a 4.0 GPA for winter quarter at school, and I couldn't be more excited! I usually get between 3.5-3.8 accumulative, but I have never in my life gotten straight A's. I guess there's a first time for everything! Working hard really does pay off :)

Spring break has not been as productive as I hoped it would be :/ I have mostly just been taking care of our puppy (Albus Dumbledore) and catching up on my sleep. With that being said, I am not ready for the next quarter to start on Monday. I need a vacation! Somewhere with lots of sunshine and HOT weather!

Speaking of warm weather, I need to get back into shape.  I haven't exactly gained weight, but my once toned muscles are becoming shapeless goo that hangs off my body. I tend to hibernate during the winter months. I enjoy staying inside drinking hot chocolate, reading a good book, and eating delicious snacks. However, I do not enjoy watching my waistline grow. Time to hit the gym! I just need motivation.... Where can I find that?