Friday, March 30, 2012

Winter Quarter = Great Success!

I got a 4.0 GPA for winter quarter at school, and I couldn't be more excited! I usually get between 3.5-3.8 accumulative, but I have never in my life gotten straight A's. I guess there's a first time for everything! Working hard really does pay off :)

Spring break has not been as productive as I hoped it would be :/ I have mostly just been taking care of our puppy (Albus Dumbledore) and catching up on my sleep. With that being said, I am not ready for the next quarter to start on Monday. I need a vacation! Somewhere with lots of sunshine and HOT weather!

Speaking of warm weather, I need to get back into shape.  I haven't exactly gained weight, but my once toned muscles are becoming shapeless goo that hangs off my body. I tend to hibernate during the winter months. I enjoy staying inside drinking hot chocolate, reading a good book, and eating delicious snacks. However, I do not enjoy watching my waistline grow. Time to hit the gym! I just need motivation.... Where can I find that?